About Us
Who are we?
Jean-Claude Caron is an experienced entrepreneur with extensive experience in the mining, oil, and gas sectors, as well as in drilling activities in general. Despite global concerns regarding climate change in the 21st century, the mining, oil, and gas industries remain active and play an essential role in the economies of many nations. Aware of the environmental challenges and regulatory requirements, Mr. Jean-Claude Caron decided to create a business project in 2014 (Caron Technologies International Inc - CTI) that combines the expertise developed in the field, while pushing the paradigms of the industry through curiosity and innovation.
The founder of CTI set out to develop a less invasive and more economical drilling technology compared to traditional methods. He became the first Quebec entrepreneur to use Slim Hole technology, which allows for 3-inch diameter drilling instead of the usual 10 inches, thereby reducing drilling costs by 75% and limiting the associated environmental footprint. This innovative approach affects about 900 m2 of territory for an exploited site, compared to 12,000 m2 using conventional methods.
The project aims for two major goals. First, the group seeks to materialize a patent (Patented technology in the UNITED STATES, CANADA, MEXICO, PERU, , and AUSTRALIA) for a hybrid drill rig powered by both electricity and diesel, based on Slim Hole technology. This drill rig offers excellent performance, particularly in constrained environments, while significantly reducing environmental impacts and improving worker safety through safer drilling conditions and simplified handling. The ultimate goal is to commercialize this hybrid drill rig on a large scale. To achieve this goal, the group plans to collaborate with an engineering team from UQAR, led by Professor Noureddine Barka, to bring the patent to life in concept and prototype, focusing on the development of eco-friendly features of the drill rig.
In parallel, the group intends to launch a business in Rimouski specializing in drilling activities, primarily for Quebec companies operating in the mining, oil, and geothermal sectors. The revenue generated by this company will be used to finance the research and development of future drilling units. Thus, the project aims to combine technological innovation with environmental responsibility while contributing to economic development in key industry sectors.