The strength of the team lies in the judicious combination of in-depth knowledge of the industrial sector, its contemporary environmental and economic challenges, solid expertise in business and project management, and a history of collaboration in other types of projects. Additionally, the team has a strong ability to involve complementary strategic resources to achieve its objectives. On this last point, the team proposes to join forces with UQAR to implement a major project in the field of advanced manufacturing. The strategic positioning of UQAR in this project is based on its capacity to research and develop a new versatile drilling platform, hybrid electric-diesel, intended for the mining, gas, and geothermal energy industries; and to define and implement a training offer and accelerate technology transfer to regional, national, and international companies.

Mr. Jean-Claude Caron possesses extensive knowledge of the sector and its challenges, as well as a wide-reaching network. Furthermore, he is also the holder of a patent for his innovative technology, available at the following link: [Patent Link](https://patents.google.com/patent/US20220025708A1/en?inventor=jean-claude+caron&oq=jean-claude+caron+). Thanks to his unique professional background and close ties with key players in the industry, Mr. Caron will provide a continuous presence as an expert-user during the various prototype validation stages. His commitment and expertise, supported by his patent, will contribute precisely and significantly to the success of the project.

Mr. Martin Caron has extensive experience in business management in various fields. His academic background and expertise in accounting and management give him a deep understanding of the financial and operational aspects of a project. With his training and experience, Mr. Caron will make a valuable contribution to the efficient management of financial resources and strategic decision-making throughout the project.

Mr. Laroche is a geological engineer specializing in oil and gas exploration since 1971, providing him with more than 50 years of experience in drilling. His long career and in-depth knowledge of the sector will be of great value to the project. With his expertise, he will be able to provide technical knowledge and valuable advice in planning and executing drilling operations, as well as in analyzing the results obtained.

Mr. Duchaine is a geologist specializing in mining, oil, and gas exploration. With an impressive career spanning over 40 years in the field of drilling, he will bring extensive expertise and valuable experience to the project.